What are “Group Seats”
“Group Seats” were started as a way for groups with 12 or more group members to sit with one another. Group Seats come with no perks and cost the same as a regular ticket. The one advantage is that group seats are seated prior to event registration going live.
How do I start a group?
Find 12 or more people who want to come to the next PDXLAN and contact us at least 4 weeks prior to registration going live. Remember, Registration for an event always is the last day of the previous event – so you can use that to know about when 4 weeks prior is.
What does a Group Leader do?
- Collect the money for their group’s tickets.
- Collect the LAN Reg email address for each members account in their group
- Pay for the tickets at least 2 hours prior to registration going live to the public. Vector will have sent you a private link prior if you requested group seats.
- Once paid, Transfer each ticket to each members account after registration goes live to the public.
- Ensure that no member of your group has a (num) next to their name in LanReg. See good/bad example below. If a person has more than one ticket in their name, send them here.

How does the registration process work for Group Seats?
- Two weeks prior to the event registration we will begin emailing group leaders that contacted us via email. We will begin filling the LAN. Your group leader will be contacted when it is their turn to select seats.
- When your group gets to book group seats, your group captain will be sent a group link to register and pay for the seats. The group leader will need to transfer each seat to the LANREG account of the person sitting in the seat after registration goes live to the public. This is a requirement in order to keep your seats. Failure of a group captain to transfer seats by the event will result in a transfer fee.
Note: once you have contacted us to be a group captain, you can ask Vector in Discord to be added to the Group Captain channel in Discord. You will need to remind him via a discord message.