Attendee Information
Stuff that will help attendees at PDXLAN
Your first day at the Event:
PDXLAN is one of the most unique events you will ever attend. Going to an event this large can be daunting. There is the worry you may not know anyone, the worry you won't know what to do, the worry you may not fit in, or maybe you are worried about the security of your computer. For this reason we encourage the first thing you do is introduce yourself to your seat neighbors and table buddies. Find out what games they play and if they are here with anyone. Knowing the people near you will give you a resource for asking questions, making friends, and it has the added perk that they now know who belongs in your seat. Everyone at PDXLAN was once new, and the vast majority of attendees want to help.
Make sure you are connected to the PDXLAN discord server, and ask questions in the "Event Questions" or "Help Desk" channel. PDXLAN staff and other helpful attendees monitor this channel and will help you out. The physical Staff helpdesk is by the door you entered the event through.
There is so much going on at PDXLAN that at times it can be hard to track everything. To be completely up front - you need to pay attention or you will miss something. Our schedule of events can be found in Discord, in the scheduled events section of the server. Pay attention to the Discord Announcements channel as well. We recommend setting your mobile device up for discord and then setting the PDXLAN announcements channel to notify you when there is an announcement. This is a very important tip as any changes to the schedule will be posted here - as well as notifications for upcoming contests, tournaments, and other deadlines.
Tips from the Staff
"The number one network issue is when an attendee has set their own DNS. Remember to set that to 'obtain IP address automatically'."
"We are here to answer questions via the Help Desk channel in discord, or at the front of the room. If we are snarky it's because we are hangry."
Tips from previous attendees:
"The Book Of Jeep"
Written by Attendee "JeepMcMuddy"
As this event has grown, there will be many new faces. I thought I would share a few observations I’ve learned to help everyone have a good time. Most of these are already rules; the rest is just plain old common sense. In no particular order:
1. Cleanliness- this really should go without saying, but please, please shower daily and use a good strong deodorant. Sitting for hours on end can make things a bit “swampy” Also a cologne bath does not count. Too much and you’ll have your neighbors sneezing and eyes watering.
2. Meet your neighbors. You’ll be sitting next to them for 4 days, might as well make a few friends and set the tone for a great party.
3. Offer to help your neighbors and buddies to get them setup or plugged in.
4. Know your power! The staff spends a lot of time on planning, so avoid problems, listen to what the staff has to say about hooking up power, and never never daisy chain your power strips. Not a good way to meet your neighbors when you blow the circuit at your table by plugging in incorrectly.
5. Be careful when plugging in network cables and power, to avoid disconnecting anyone. I’ve done it, and although they were very cool about it, I still felt like a schmoe.
6. Be careful when setting up your table space. Don’t just cram your case or monitor as far back as it goes. Work with the guy or gal across the table from you so you don’t smother each other’s case fans. You’ll both be happier if you take a second and look.
7. Keep your bags and extra gear out of the aisles. It’s usually dark, and you’re already mesmerized by all the case lights, and you can easily trip someone with a backpack or crate shoved too far in the aisle.
8. Show some enthusiasm if you win something. Ok it’s only a hat, but some sponsor paid for that swag, so show them some support and win graciously. Pass it on. I’ve won shirts and other items I couldn’t use, and I have passed them along to someone else who could. Make someone’s day. The rule really should be “No w00t, No l00t. Get happy when your number is called!!
9. Going on a food run? Ask those around you if they want anything. An extra buck or two worth of McDonalds Cheeseburgers, or Taco Bell can go along way!
10. You have two hands use em. If your going on a energy drink run, ask your neighbor what they’re drinking.
11. So you dig goat pr0n huh? Good for you, but we don’t need to see it. Save offensive screensavers and desktops for home. There are minors around, so use your head.
12. Ok, so you’ve got enough leds and strobes in your case to land a 747 with. That’s great, but for your neighbor’s mental health crank them down a tad. Nothing like a seizure inducing flash right in your face while your trying to play. Crank them up, get your ooohs and ahhhhs and then shut em down for a while.
13. Don’t forget to take off your headphones when you get up to leave. Don’t ask me how I know this.
14. Drop the Deuce, Droppin’ the kids off at the pool, taking the Browns to the superbowl. Whatever you call it have some courtesy and flush the dang toilet. I can’t tell you how many times I would go into the bathroom and the toilets either weren’t flushed or crammed so full of tp, they were running over. Come on, do we even have to talk about this people? Someone has the horrid job of having to clean up after you. Have pity on them. Got an extra big job to take care of? Flusher twice then. Just don’t overflow it! Nasty!
15. Thank a staff member. They put in countless hours so that you can have a good time. Better yet buy them a latte. They deserve it.
16. Support our sponsors whenever possible, and let them know what drove the sale was their sponsorship of our events. That lets them know they have spent their money wisely, and are more like to continue supporting. Most of our sponsors have marketing departments, drop them an email and thank them for their sponsorship.
17. That big round thing in the aisle is a garbage can. Please use it.
18. Make sure you are patched up and have the latest virus defs BEFORE coming to the event.
19. Keep an eye on each other’s equipment. We all spend big bucks on our stuff, and although there has not been many issues at PDXLAN, it’s a good to know those around you and help watch each other’s stuff.
History of this post and why it is so special to many attendees:
Matt “JeepMcMuddy” Brown was a PDXLAN attendee from 2004 to 2015. He was a joker and yet someone who took time to help others at the event. “Jeep” wrote this after one of his first few events and posted it in the PDXLAN forums. Attendees began calling it “The Book of Jeep”. Tragically in 2015 the community lost Matt Brown in an accident. We keep the "Book of Jeep" on our website for attendees to read as a way of remembering him and his unique sense of humor.