Fall 2024 Charity Information
Have fun. Frag hard. Give Back.

Attendee Instructions
Step 1:
Read about the charity we are supporting above here.
Step 2:
Click on the orange “Donate Now” above and then click the blue “Donate” button on the fundraiser page you are taken to.
Step 3:
After clicking the blue “Donate Now” button you will be taken to a page to enter your email, donation amount, Display name, and a comment. Please make sure to put your PDXLAN gamer handle that is on your badge in the “Display Name” field.
Step 4:
At the event bring up your email receipt (on phone is fine) to the help desk by the time listed on the calendar.
Friends and Family Instructions
Step 1:
Read about the charity we are supporting above here.
Step 2:
Click on the orange “Donate Now” link above and then click the green “Donate” button on the fundraiser page you are taken to.
Step 3:
After clicking the blue “Donate Now” button you will be taken to a page to enter your email, donation amount, Display name, and a comment. Please make sure to put the attendee’s PDXLAN gamer handle that they have given you in the “Display Name” field. Do NOT check “Give anonymously” – your name will not show, just the display name you entered will.
Step 4:
Tell the attendee you made a donation in their name