Announcements from PDXLAN sponsors, or announcements of PDXLAN sponsorships.

Monster energy to power PDXLAN gamers!

You can’t have a LAN party without having energy drinks!

PDXLAN would like to welcome back Monster Energy as a sponsor of PDXLAN 2024! During the event look for the Monster booth to power you through your game sessions! Monster will be giving away THOUSANDS of cans of Monster to help power us through. 

Thanks Monster!!

























































































Kingston to sponsor PDXLAN Fall 2024!

PDXLAN is happy to welcome back long-time sponsor, Kingston!

Kingston has been providing prizes to the PDXLAN community for over 15 years! 

At PDXLAN Fall 2024 you can expect to find Kingston prizes for contests and raffles. 

Thanks Kingston! 
























































































InWin to sponsor PDXLAN Fall 2024!

PDXLAN is excited to announce that InWIN will be sponsoring PDXLAN Fall 2024!

We’re not quite sure yet exactly what they are sending, but InWin is the maker of awesome AIO water kits, Cases, Fans and PowerSupply. Look for InWin prizes in the Pre-raffle at PDXLAN!

Thanks InWin!!























































































Game Room Solutions to sponsor PDXLAN Fall 2024!

Have you ever wanted a custom arcade that plays ALL OF THE GAMES you could imagine? Look no further than Game Room Solutions!  

Game Room Solutions can send you a kit to build your own, or you can have them build it for you! They allow custom artwork so your machine is made just the way you’d like it!

Game Room Solutions will be sending PDXLAN one arcade to give away in our charity raffle – these things are awesome and can be loaded with tons of games from all your past favorite consoles! 

Thanks Game Room Solutions!






















































































Fractal Design to showcase a booth at PDXLAN Fall 2024!

PDXLAN is excited to announce that Fractal Design will be at the Fall 2024 event with a booth to show off their latest and greatest products. If you don’t know, Fractal-Design makes some of the most well built cases and power supplies available. 

Be sure to go by Fractal’s booth and thank them for coming to PDXLAN, it really does make a difference!




















































































EVGA to Sponsor PDXLAN Fall 2024!

PDXLAN is excited to announce that EVGA will be sponsoring PDXLAN Fall 2024.

EVGA is one of PDXLAN’s longest running sponsors, and they’ve always been such a strong supporter of PDXLAN’s mission to raise money for charity. 

EVGA makes some of the best Power Supplies, Mice, Keyboards, and capture devices out there. Look for EVGA prizes in PDXLAN’s contests, tournaments, and raffles! 

Thanks EVGA!! 


















































































At PDXLAN Fall 2024 we will be hosting a special tournament from one of our sponsors, AXON TD. 

The tournament will be the first of its kind, in that you are just playing for the high score, and you’ll have over 24 hours to try. You’ll be able to put 2 hours in, or 20 hours – it’s all up to you. In addition to the 1st place winner, we will also have a random winner too – so even just trying will net you an entry to win prizes.

We’ll be competing on our own beta branch of the game, so we won’t have to worry about the public coming into our PDXLAN scoreboard! 

Thanks AXON TD for supporting PDXLAN!






















































Comcast brings in a 10G fiber connection to power PDXLAN’s Internet!

PDXLAN is excited to announce that COMCAST will be sponsoring PDXLAN’s 10G Fiber connection to the Internet. This is one sponsor we can’t do the event without, so MAJOR thanks to COMCAST!  If you’re at the event and you happen to meet a guy named “Notoes” – thank him for always supporting us! He gave 2  of his left toes in the installation of the fiber to the facility! He REALLY needs our thanks!





















































Shh!!! BeQuiet! to sponsor PDXLAN Fall 2024!

For this announcement, read it as a whisper in your head because BeQuiet! makes some of the quietest fans, psus, and CPU coolers on the market! 

BeQuiet! will be at PDXLAN with a booth (And KEVIN himself) to show you their latest amazing products. While checking them out, be sure to give Kevin a “Thanks for coming to PDXLAN” shout out!

Bequiet! will be sending a PALLET of prizes to PDXLAN Fall 2024 for use in whatever PDXLAN needs them for, Tournaments, Contests, and Raffles!! 

Once again thank you to Kevin and the BeQuiet! team for supporting PDXLAN!
















































































Easter Egg. Because why not.